Monday, October 2, 2017

10/10 Freshman Shatter Their Personal Records This Weekend at the MSTCA Frank Kelley Invitational Meet in Wrentham!

Congrats to all the Norton XC freshman who ALL got a personal record this past weekend at the MSTCA Frank Kelley Invitational.

The Freshman Squad
 The boys ran first and the following were their results:

BOYS Grades 9-10 Division 2 Race (Divisions 4-5-6) 
4th Overall: Paul Wisnaskas - 10:22.54 (3rd fastest freshman) *MEDAL WINNER
28th Overall: Sean Wynne - 11:22.0
76th Overall: Nick Janineh - 12:11.44
127th Overall: Derek Bamford - 12:57.40
194th Overall: Thomas Anderson - 15:02.01

Paul Winsaskas had an incredible race and paced his way to a 4th place finish and a medal!

Freshman Paul Wisnaskas
The girls ran second and the following were their results:

GIRLS Grades 9-10 Division 2 Race (Divisions 4-5-6) 
2nd Overall: Isabella Pietrasiewicz - 12:03.44 *MEDAL WINNER
20th Overall: Sarah LaFrancois - 12:57.23 *MEDAL WINNER
70th Overall: Amelia Kirshon - 14:27.41 
97th Overall: Hope LeClaire - 14:57.29 
112th Overall: Jocelyn Nardone - 15:19.66 

Freshman phenom Bella Pietrasiewicz wowed spectators as the best freshman in divisions 4, 5, & 6 this weekend!  She achieved a huge PR and made a statement!  Congrats to both her and Sarah LaFrancois who won medals! 

Freshman Bella Pietrasiewicz Places SECOND Overall!
Freshman Sarah LaFrancois
Full Team Photo!
Starting Line of the Girls Race!
Girls Race Taking Off!
Little Hope Little Coming In!
Jocelyn Nardone With a Breakout Race!
Freshman Amelia Kirshon
LeClaire Pacing with the Pack
Upperclassmen Working the Lots!
Start of the Boys Race.
And Their Off! (Sean & Paul Pictured)
Freshman Nick Janineh Coming Home.
Derek Bam-Sauce Bamford Bringing It Home!
Little Tom Little Making His Way to the Finish Line.
Congrats to all the freshman on a GREAT day in Wrentham! The Lancer crew takes on two tough Westwood Wolverine squads this coming Wednesday at 3:30 at home for SENIOR DAY!!

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